Stanowisko Marcina Lutra wobec Maryi Panny
The author investigates Martin Luther’s writings in order to present his theological views on the Virgin Mary. After outlining the characteristics of Marian piety in the late Middle Ages, the author deals with a new understanding of Marian devotion proposed by the Wittenberg Reformer. To this end, he analyzes Luther’s statements in the Commentary on the Magnificat, the Commentary on Ave Maria and in his sermons. The author then presents modifications to the liturgical year proposed by the Reformer, along with the Marian feasts he has preserved – the Annunciation, Visitation and Purification – at the same time showing their theological justification proposed by Luther. In the next step, the author deals with Martin Luther’s view of other Marian feasts together with the place he gives to the Virgin Mary in the Vespers and in the Creed. In the final conclusion, the author states that in Luther’s concept, the Virgin Mary is present throughout the church year, and the Reformer opposed not the Virgin Mary herself, but abuses in her worship, subordinating it to the primacy of Christ at the same time.
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Piotr Herok
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