The ontology of miracle, the exegesis of the question mark and other inspirations from the Polish-German divided towns - as an aftermath of the monograph by the Wrocław sociologists of borderland
Marcin Dębicki
Uniwersytet WrocławskiAbstract
The article concentrates on a newly published monograph on the fragments of the Polish-German borderland: Cud pogranicza? Zgorzelczanie, gubinianie i słubiczanie o życiu w miastach podzielonych [The miracle of the borderland? The inhabitants of Zgorzelec, Gubin and Słubice on the life in divided towns]. Specifically, it is a comparative analysis of how the cross-border dimension of life in these towns is portrayed by their inhabitants. The book is based on the empirical research carried out in these towns by the authoresses (Kamilla Dolińska, Julita Makaro and Natalia Niedźwiecka-Iwańczak – the sociologists from Wrocław) in 2010–2015.
It needs to be underlined that the article is not just a mere review. Apart from its ‘traditional’ elements, it contains some comments on the sociology of borderland and some considerations regarding the Polish-German borderland and relations. These lead us to the central part of the text, i.e. to the ontology of miracle that has (not) taken place in the three divided towns of this borderland. Such a mixed nature of the article results in its unusual structure since I pose no hypotheses there and my research method comes down to referring the authoresses’ findings to the relevant literature and to my knowledge of the reality under question.
In the article, I deal with the very nature of the miracle signaled in the title of the book, together with the question mark that ends the phrase ‘The miracle of the borderland’. My conclusion is that the authoresses aptly write that for the time being it is not legitimate to claim that we have to do with a miracle there. At the same time, I would stress more that the distance between the present state and the alleged miracle is shorter than it seems. Additionally, I would bring it out that it would be better to speak of ‘the miracle of normality’ than just ‘the miracle’ there. However, eventually I underline that the book under question significantly broadens our knowledge on the cross-border aspect of the life in the Polish-German divided towns and that my remarks signal rather a slight shift of focus than a real correction.
Key words: Polish-German borderland, Zgorzelec, Gubin, Słubice, the sociology of borderlandReferences
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