Language mannerism and snobbism as a stylistic phenomenon (on the example of Polish and Russian)
Aleksander Kiklewicz
Instytut Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie.Abstract
The author considers the phenomenon of mannerisms and (a similar phenomenon) the snobbery of language behavior in social communication. The analysis of empirical material is based on a model of linguistic communication that includes four configured categories: meaning, form/structure, pragmatic function and context. The author treats the mannerisms of language as a preference of the sentence form and structure, thereby causing some pragmatic effects. The author distinguishes several communicative and non-communicative functions of language mannerisms: associative (especially the function of positive self-presentation of the sender), pragmatic (persuasive), and ethological (aesthetic and hedonic experience).
language and society, language communication, pragmatics, stylistics, language mannerism and snobbery, social variant of language, sociolect, idiolect, pragmatic functionReferences
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