About the genological status of selected communiques of the religious message
Talking about religious genres, the author means exclusively utterances connected with the existence of communicative community of the Catholic Church in Poland. She places her considerations within the framework of genology conceived as a cognitive space spanning many disciplines. For the use of the article, she combines the research instrumentary of genology called linguistic, thus philological, with frameworks typical of theological studies. She assumes that a philologist is not capable of presenting aspects which are connected with opening of the religious genres onto the transcendent sphere. The author makes references to her own concepts of the genre model, paying attention to the fact that with reference to the religious genres these models are of the established character. They are formed as a result of establishments of relevant subjects having an influence on the shape of religious discourse. Detailed comments are related to the service as a genre-generating form (ritualized, scenarioed and composed of many genre forms which form collections and possess a complex genre identity), and also the rosary as: rosary service and rosary prayer.
genology, genre of utterance, genre model, religious discourse, religious genresReferences
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