Zatrzymać czas. O językowych i tekstowych sposobach kształtowania czasu w utworach poetyckich
Teresa Dobrzyńska
The concept of time reveals its complex naturę. It has been encoded in the structure of language in many different ways and it is also permanently present in the discourse. Due to its anthropological character, it is strongly related to the domain of human feelings and imagination. So the time is not simply measured, but it is experienced and lived by as well. As a factor of many different acts, the time undergoes various mental operations. In several types of utterances the concept of time happens to be transformed in some charac- teristic ways: it might be reduced or stopped and one may experience an illusion of time- lessness. Modifications of this kind are being introduced in some special sentence and text structures. Though such constructs might be used in every day speech and in some other kinds of discourse, i.e. in advertisements, they are specific for three types of poetry: poetic meditations, reflective considerations, and lyrical descriptions. The time can also be apparently stopped in the narrative poems, with their specific temporal structures con- nected to the plot. It happens when they are constructed in a particular way undergoing the rule of semantic loop.In this paper some examples of such apparent time flow arrests are discussed as well as their specific functions in poetry.
time, present tense, repetition, parallelism, poetry, text structure, meditation, description, considerationReferences
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Teresa DobrzyńskaStatistics
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