Czy gatunek i styl są we współczesnej stylistyce pojęciami konkurencyjnymi?
The author assumes that in the present period of methodological pluralism typical of the humanities, there is a need for a renewed analysis of scientific output of traditional branches (stylistics) which - influenced by new branches (linguistic theory of kinds) - enrich the area of their scientific observation. The author tries to situate the two basic categories of linguistic branches: style and speech kind and wonders why those notions are inaccurate. The problem needs to be considered on three levels:-
-mutual relations between linguistic stylistics and theory of kinds;
-establishing the common points in the sphere of style and kind indicating the possible terminological differences;
-outlining the research perspectives of both branches, and the benefits resulting from the use of the notions discussed in the paper.
There are different research attitudes presented in the article, in which incorporation of stylistics into textual linguistics, autonomous development of both branches and building interdisciplinary stylistics are postulated. The author treats both branches as independent and complemantary ones.
In the article attention is paid to the fact that definitions of style and kind reveal many similarities under the condition that both terms are situated in the sphere of abstraction (they designate the notion of model, type). However, one can find differences while observing the plane of analyses of particular utterances. Introduction of the element of subjectivity (individuality) to definition of the style of utterance that the notion of kind is deprived of is postulated.
Both categories, though often not identical in meaning, are acknowledged as indispensable in textual analysis. The notion of kind is permanently incorporated into stylistic research. Style, though constantly connected with kind, as a much wider category should preserve its individual character and methodological attractiveness.
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