Polska facecja prozatorska XVI-XVIII w. Styl - gatunek - komizm

Artur Rejter


The article presents Polish prosaic facetiae of the 16-18 centuries as a genre of popular literature. As for the style of this genre, the most significant elements are those of colloquial style, as can be observed in the style and structure of the text. The colloquialisms, proverbs and puns show that colloquial style is most important in facetiae.
The analized genre is also a hybrid of various speech genres connected with many functional styles of Polish. The most popular genres are for example: dialogue, press information, testament, record, sermon. In facetiae, each element of their text structure and style is connected with its pragmatic aspect. Facetiae as a genre of popular literature is above all subordinate to its comic function.
Finally, the article shows that facetiae is a forerunner of modem jokes and anecdotes one can be seen in the style and text structure of these speech genres. One can say that popular literature is a timeless kind of output.

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Cited by

Rejter, A. (2021). Polska facecja prozatorska XVI-XVIII w. Styl - gatunek - komizm. Stylistyka, 10, 383–401. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/s/article/view/4203


Artur Rejter 



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