Concepts of Czech Functional Stylistics
Marie Čechová
Foundations of the Czech functional stylistics, including its basic concepts, have been worked out by Bohuslav Havránek in his papers Úkoly spisovného jazyka a jeho kultura (The Tasks of the Standard Language and its Cultivation, cf. esp. the part of it Funkční rozlišení spisovného jazyka - Tlze Functional Differentiation of the Standard Language) published in Spisovná čeština a jazyková kultura - (Standard Czech and the Cultivation of Language) 1932. Havránek has delimitated four functions of the standard ianguage (and four functional languages corresponding to them); he has defined five functional styles (each being detennined by purpose of the discourse) he has marked off the styles also on the basis of their realization (spoken and written, public and non-public). Into the framework of styles, he has included also other differences in makeup oftexts. During last sixty years, the outlined Havráneťs concepts have been (sometimes with changes of their meaning) worked through, defined more precisely, some new concepts have been added (and relations of the original and new concepts have been dealt with). The functional differentiation has been applied to non-standard language, too, new functional sty les (i.e. Havránek's functional languages) have been delimitated, so thet system of 4-7 functional styles is taken under consideration nowadays. The tenn slohový postup or tvar is used now instead of Havránek's tenn functional style. The functional styles are differentiated on the basis of number of purposes that can be attributed to them - so called simplex styles have one basic function only, complex styles have two or more functions. The concept of the style norm (different from the language norm) has been marked off and the fact has been stated that the real life communication does not adhere to a single style nonn but to a combination of theirs. Regarding this fact, so called communicative norms are worked out now. These nonns, in contrast to language and styles norms, are not codified.
Marie ČechováStatistics
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