O wielostylowości w XIX-wiecznych protokołach zebrań
Anna Wojciechowska
The subject of the study is the minutes of meetings preserved in manuscripts from thesecond half of the 19th century. The article describes factors associated with the stylistic multiplicity of these texts: a complex system of communication intentions, references to
other genres, minutes-specific configuration of stylistic features. This is followed by a description of diverse origins of the used stylistic means, collision of stylistic registers, as well as the typical selection limits. The analyses lead to the conclusion that the scope of the nineteenth-century minutes of meetings stylistic multiplicity is: 1) predictable, determined by the situational and cultural context (society’s profile, its aims and functions, historical determinants); 2) limited, but clearly wider than the one resulting from the minutes stylistic appurtenance and one provided for the genre (as well as for
the sub-genre) by authors of contemporary normative studies.
minutes of meetings, official style, cultural context, stylistic multiplicityReferences
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Anna WojciechowskaStatistics
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