Barokowe kształty słowa. Z zagadnień ewołucji stylu poematów Kaspra Twardowskiego
Artur Rejter
The article is dedicated to the reflection over the style of three poems of Kasper Twardowski, the early baroąue writer. The poems are: Lekcyje Kupidynowe (1617), Łódź młodzi z nawałności do brzegu płynąca (1618) and Pochodnia Miłości Bożej z piącią strzał ognistych (1628). Foundations of pragmatic stylistics, which takes into considera- tion the subjective aspect of work, have been taken on. Poems lexis, figures of rhetoric and stylistic features have been observed.The style evolution of analyzed texts is based on gradual convertion of text form, focu- sed on the following notions: SENSUAL LOVE -> SIN//PENANCE -> GOD’S LOVE. These no- tions have their equivalents on the style level, i.e.: IDYLL // COURTLINESS -» EXPLICIT- NESS // IMAGERY -> EXPLICITNESS H RESTRAINT.The analysis of work’s style level was aimed to point a parallel between stylistics sphe- re of literary text and its ideological surface motivated subjectively, which is a reflex of author’s - who is the text subject - view posturę. Madę observations are the next proof of extraordinary cultural and linqual luxuriance of baroque period, which are in favour of omnipresent varietas idea and its not trivial influence on stylistic shape of a text.
Baroąue, Kasper Twardowski, style, rhetoricReferences
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Artur RejterStatistics
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