Odmiana medialna języka a ustne wypowiedzi uczniów
This article seeks to answer the question whether features of media language can be discerned in the utterances of the younger generation and, if so, which ones. The oral presentations performed during the secondary school final examinations
(obtained from the recordings) were studied. They have never been analysed in this respect before. The presentations have, on the one hand, an official character and, on the other, are spontaneous as they are produced on an ad hoc and continuous
basis, with no possibility of predicting their final shape. First, the article reviews the characterisation of media language by researchers working on the subject in order to establish a group of the most distinctive features that may be present in students’ expressions. An analysis of the material carried out at the cognitive, structural, and linguistic levels is then presented, which has made it possible to discern the presence of certain features of the media variety of language, including superficiality and fragmentation, definiteness, associativeness, and colloquiality. The paper is concluded with a statement that the changes that are taking place in the language (and therefore in the thinking) of the younger generation are becoming a challenge for educational didactics, which should provide contemporary schools with more effective models of language education, taking into account the
current expansion of media literacy.
media variety of language, student speeches, media influence, e-generationReferences
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