Discourse in the context of language history – research potential and perspectives
The aim of the paper is to indicate the research potential and perspective of discourse as a historical and dynamic phenomenon. Methodology used in the paper concentrates on discourse linguistics, stylistics, and text linguistics, which is related to the concept
of language as a mode of communication manifested at its higher levels. What is important, the author is convinced that historical dimensions can be embedded into the definition of discourse. The first aspect constitutes the extension of the reflection at the discourse level in historical language studies. However, the inverse relation is most interesting. It is worth noting that the language history research could enrich the concept of discourse. Referring to previous research on the history of Polish scientific discourse and discourse of the excluded, the author formulates a thesis on the influence of the historical research on the concept of discourse, which could manifest itself in the following ways: (1) remodelling of the definition of discourse; (2) discourse dynamics; and (3) external discourse changes (cultural, sociological). The main conclusions are as follows: (1) The complementarity of language history
and discourse linguistics should be considered. (2) Discourse definition is an open category and, among others, depends on historical changes. (3) The dynamic nature of discourse could be the basis for adopting historical discourse studies as a subdiscipline
of linguistics. (4) Historical aspects of discourse can encourage research on communication as a dynamic, multifaceted, and complex component of culture.
discourse, language history, discourse linguistics, stylistics, history of PolishReferences
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