O stylu przemówień sądowych Eugeniusza Śmiarowskiego z lat 1920–1925


The research explores the speeches by Eugeniusz Śmiarowski published in 1926 entitled, “Defence Speeches” (1920-1925). The texts under investigation follow a genre pattern of a court speech. The analysis focuses on the stylistic aspect of the genre pattern and is based on the assumption that the language choices of the subject of the statement, predicted within the genre, depend on various aspects. The article aim is to show the factors affecting the style of E. Śmiarowski’s speeches. Findings prove that the author’s linguistic choices were influenced by the historical, social, and biographical contexts. The stylistic shape of his speeches is fundamentally consistent with the art of judicial eloquence. Distinguishing features should be associated with the situation (the beginnings of Polish independence), the topic of the case, and the subject’s attitude towards the world, and with the structure of speech. Mainly in its framework parts (in the introduction and conclusion), one can see the subjectivity, the privacy of the subject of the statement, and the means of emotionalising the utterance. The research fills in a gap in the literature since Śmiarowski’s speeches have not been examined before. It would be interesting to compare the texts with the speeches of other prominent court speakers from a century ago.


Eugeniusz Śmiarowski, judicial speeches, genre, the autor's style, the 1920s of the 20th century

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Cited by

WOJCIECHOWSKA, A. (2024). O stylu przemówień sądowych Eugeniusza Śmiarowskiego z lat 1920–1925. Stylistyka, 32(32), 187–205. https://doi.org/10.25167/Stylistyka32.2023.11





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