Sin, Guilt and Forgiveness
Reflections Based on the Position of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD)
What is sin, guilt and forgiveness? These questions are dealt with in statement of the Evangelical Church in Germany from the perspective of Protestant anthropology published in 2020. The aim of this paper is to reflect on the most important ideas of this EKD document, which are determined by its different parts: (1) Sin and the phenomenon of sinning; (2) The lost man and the Bible’s answer; (3) Places to experience guilt, forgiveness and reconciliation. These reflections certainly touch the fundamental message of the Reformation, which is the justification of the sinner. Many of these considerations can be very enlightening in the context of ongoing discussions about forgiveness and reconciliation between nations, the question of guilt and responsibility for it. As the authors of the analysed document aptly point out, no area of human life is free of experiences with guilt and sin. Forgiveness does not make sin undone, but it does make new beginning possible, that the world needs so much today.
Sin, Guilt, Forgiveness, Anthropology, Evangelical Church in GermanyReferences
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