The journal "CHEMISTRY → BIOTECHNOLOGY → ENVIRONMENT" is a biannual publication issued by the Institute of Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology at the University of Opole. It is available online at and is freely accessible. The mission of the journal is to publish original research findings in the fields of environmental chemistry, environmental biotechnology, and environmental engineering and protection.
Liturgia Sacra is a research periodical addressed to everyone who has interests in the Christian Liturgy, Music and Art. Published by the Faculty of Theology, University of Opole (Poland).
Economic and Environmental Studies is an online international, English-language scientific journal that welcomes research papers, review articles and scientific communications with special emphasis on issues regarding economics and the environment. Today’s world faces various challenges related to unsustainable development. Research as well as development of policies and instruments are needed to deal with these challenges. The journal provides an international forum for discussion among different disciplines such as economics, environmental studies, social studies and related fields.
The title „Family Forum” indicates a double mission of the journal: the central point, which is the place of the intersection of main lines of the communication and the composition of the jury appropriate to settle a case. The mission of the journal is to create a plane to exchange thoughts on essential issues connected with the family matter, including controversial and difficult problems.
Czasopismo "Literaport" (1 numer tematyczny rocznie) poświęcone jest szerokiej i różnorodnej problematyce związanej z francuskojęzyczną twórczością literacką różnych epok i regionów. Porusza ważne dla humanistyki zagadnienia, których opracowaniem zajmują się zarówno uznani badacze-romaniści polscy, europejscy i światowi, jak i młodzi adepci literaturoznawstwa rozpoczynający karierę naukową.
FORTHEM Journal is a peer-reviewed, academic journal published online, in open access, by the FORTHEM Alliance. The journal is focused on advancing and developing the latest thinking in all disciplines and interdisciplinary research, conducted by FORTHEM Alliance' Early Stage Researchers, remaining open to Academia.
Pomysłodawcą i inicjatorem założenia czasopisma są pracownicy Zakładu Logistyki i Marketingu, pod kierownictwem prof. dr hab. Sabiny Kauf, kirownika Katedry Marketingu i Zarządzania Łańcuchami dostaw. Czasopismo skierowane jest do studentów wszystkich uczelni. Podstawowym celem czasopisma jest włączanie i propagowanie rozwoju naukowego wśród studentów na ogólnodostępnym forum.
Opolskie Akademickie Forum Logistyki jest ogólnokrajowym studenckim czasopismem internetowym, na forum którego prezentowane będą badania naukowe realizowane przez studentów.
The Opole Studies in Administration and Law" (OSAP) is a semi-annual journal published continuously since 2003 by the University of Opole, exclusively online in diamond open access since 2022. The journal publishes original research in Polish and English on theoretical issues in law, particularly related to the Sustainable Development Goals (
The journal also provides space for publishing review articles, case comments and conference reports. The journal is open to authors representing different methodological and disciplinary approaches to the study of law.
„Studia et Documenta Slavica” to recenzowane (w systemie double-blind) czasopismo naukowe koncentrujące się na szeroko pojętych zagadnieniach związanych ze Słowiańszczyzną. Nasze łamy otwarte są dla rozważań literaturoznawców, językoznawców, kulturoznawców czy przekładoznawców, nie zamykając się zarazem na wyniki badań komparatystycznych i interdyscyplinarnych. Pragniemy także dawać szansę na zdobywanie pierwszych naukowych szlifów młodym pracownikom naukowym i doktorantom, dla których przewidziana jest rubryka „Debiuty naukowe”.
“Prace Germanistyczne / Germanistische Werkstatt” is a scientific journal published since 1999 by the Institute of German Philology and since 2019 by the Chair of German Language and Chair of German Literature of University of Opole.
The topics of the articles published in “Prace Germanistyczne / Germanistische Werkstatt” include the following areas: language and literature from a media studies perspective, history of the German language, contrastive linguistics, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, German studies, cultural contacts between Poland and German-speaking countries, Silesian studies, translation studies, glottodidactics, intercultural German studies, history of German literature, literary theory and aesthetics, cultural studies, new media and culture of the region.
Scientific dissertations, reviews and reports are published in “Prace Germanistyczne / Germanistische Werkstatt.”
Only texts in German are accepted for publication.
The journal is published by the Publishing Company of University of Opole (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego). From 2021, the journal will also be published in free access on the electronic journals platform of the Opole University.
Studia Krytyczne [Critical Studies] is open access online bilingual (Polish and English) academic journal, rigorously peer-reviewed that publishes original research and review articles in the social sciences and humanities.
It is the journal´'s mission to encourage fresh perspectives and unconventional ideas and connect experienced academics and young scholars in inspiring reflections.
Journal analyzes the world and local politics, the global economy, protest movements, contemporary social theory, history, philosophy, and culture.
Studia Krytyczne [Critical Studies] is a multidisciplinary journal that is open to contributions from all disciplines and approaches that critically and with a focus on power structures analyze the contemporary societies. It analyzes the important developments of our time and applies a framework unconstrained by divisions into politics, sociology, economics, gender studies, philosophy or history.
We publish both theoretical and empirical research. Each issue includes both in-depth papers and a book reviews section.
Journal is published twice a year and considers articles for publication all year round.
The journal publishes according to the license rules Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 (Attribution 4,0 International
The Border and Regional Studies (BRS, from 2013 since July 2020 known as Pogranicze. Polish Borderlands Studies) is a peer-reviewed, academic journal published quarterly, in open access, by the Institute of Political Science and Public Administration of the University of Opole. The journal is dedicated to the advancement and development of latest thinking in the border, borderlands and regional studies. The Journal publishes articles from different disciplines that cover and explain the problems of regions, borders, and borderlands or different phenomena affected by the processes of bordering, de-bordering, re-bordering, and regionalization. Due to the interdisciplinary character of borderlands studies, the journal consists of articles published by political scientists, geographers, sociologists, economists, and also scholars from other disciplines.
Articles published by the BRS cover the following areas:
- cross-border cooperation,
- border conflicts and disputes,
- border regimes and policies,
- social, cultural, political, economic and religious life on the borderlands,
- international migration,
- history of the border areas,
- ethnic and regional identities, minority issues and ethnopolitics,
- regions and regionalism,
- local and regional politics on the borderlands,
- new approaches to and applications of borderlands and regional studies,
- border geographies.
Since 2020 the articles are published only in the English language.
Theological-Historical Studies of Opole Silesia is a biannual journal of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Opole, which has been in publication since 1968. Over the years, the journal has become an important platform for the exchange of scientific ideas among experts in the field of theological sciences, Church history and related sciences, especially religious studies, philosophy, canon law, religious art, religious pedagogy, psychology of religion, cultural studies, sociology of religion, and borderland research. The journal has gained recognition in many scientific centres in Poland and abroad, and publishes texts in Polish, English, German, French and Italian. The biannual journal publishes scientific articles that are subject to a reviewing procedure. A separate section publishes reviews and discussions of books, memoirs, reports, and other materials that are not subject to reviewer evaluation.
Periodyk naukowy Scriptura Sacra jest rocznikiem poświęconym studiom biblijnym o szerokim spektrum badawczym. Publikują w nim zarówno bibliści, jak i teolodzy biblijni. Czasopismo powstało w 1997 roku na Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Opolskiego w jego trzecim roku istnienia. Pierwszym redaktorem naczelnym był ks. prof. Janusz Maria Czerski i to on wyznaczył pierwotny charakter tego czasopisma. Abp Alfons Nossol w przedmowie do pierwszego numeru pisał, iż periodyk ten „będzie prezentował wyniki badań i studiów z zakresu Starego i Nowego Testamentu, recenzje i bibliografie biblijne”.
"Studia Oecumenica" is a scientific journal edited by the Faculty of Theology of Opole University. It publishes research papers on ecumenical and interreligious topics, as well as on integration processes in the social and religious dimension. Articles are subject to the double blind review procedure. Each issue also contains reviews and presentations of ecumenical new publications. The journal is indexed, among others, in ERIH Plus and international databases of scientific journals: CEJSH and CEEOL. The mission of the journal is to create a platform to exchange thoughts on essential issues connected with ecumenism and interreligious dialogue. Numbers edited before 2011 are available on the following website:
The journal "Urban Studies" provides a forum for the exchange of views, experiences and research results between specialists in urban economics, urban planners, urban geographers, urban sociologists, as well as from other disciplines close to the problems of urban areas.
The journal “Stylistyka” is an international scientific periodical founded by Prof. Stanisław Gajda in 1992. It presents results of studies on language communication from the point of view of stylistics. Here, stylistics is understood in a broad sense, as a transdisciplinary domain dealing with, among others, competence of style, stylistic means, the style of a concrete text, individual styles and collective styles (generic, functional, etc.), as well as their psychic, social and cultural contexts. The yearly publishes results of stylistic studies conducted within the framework of linguistics, literary studies and studies in culture. We accept for publication manuscripts written in all Slavic languages as well as in English, German and French.