Dialog. Nové stylové podoby tradičního žánru
The paper focuses on the characteristics of dialogue as a specific genre that already flourished in the antiquity and on the description of the style of selected Czech dialogues from the 20th and 21st centuries. The genre of dialogue (literary dialogue)
consists of written texts that simulate conversation between two (or more) interlocutors. In literary dialogues, the confrontation of presented considerations and statements is crucial for the constitution of their sense. As to functions, these dialogues are multiform; the aesthetic function is often combined with scientific or practical information, philosophical reflection, or persuasion. It is often claimed that the genreof dialogue has been neglected since the end of the 18th century. The aim of the
second part of the paper is to instantiate that dialogues are also written in modern times. Ten Czech dialogues from 1906 to 2022 are briefly analysed. These texts are built (sometimes playfully) upon the style and structure of classical dialoguesand adapted for new purposes and the contemporary communication conditions.For instance, dialogues are used as an instrument for popular enlightenment or for comparison of political conceptions
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