The aging process of the population of Functional Urban Areas (FUA) in Poland in the years 1990–2016

Mirosław Wójtowicz

Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie

Sławomir Kurek

Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie

Jadwiga Gałka

Uniwersytet Jagielloński


The population aging process, which intensified in Poland at the turn of the 20th and the 21st centuries, was particularly intensive in cities. Its pace and size were conditioned by the economic situation of urban centers and how they managed to go through the economic transformation. Contemporary cities, and the socio-demographic processes taking place in them, are increasingly associated with neighbouring rural hinterland, creating functional urban areas (FUA). The aim of the article is to examine the pace and spatial diversity of the aging process in the functional urban areas in Poland. The 151 FUAs divided into six hierarchical levels were studied. The advancement of the aging process of residents of the FUAs has been studied, taking into account their division into the core and the external zone. The study indicates that in the analysed period the aging of the FUA’s population was faster than in the other, peripheral areas of the country. It should be noted, however, that the official data used in this study do not include unregistered migration outflow from peripheral areas, which can affect the level of ageing of their residents. At the beginning of the 1990s, the aging process was the most advanced in the FUAs which were the highest in the hierarchy, however, with the passage of time, its convergence took place. On the other hand, within individual types of FUA’s, the division into more advanced cores and “younger” outer zones is maintained.


functional urban area, population ageing, ageing index, dynamic ageing index, economic ageing index

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Cited by

Wójtowicz, M., Kurek, S., & Gałka, J. (2020). The aging process of the population of Functional Urban Areas (FUA) in Poland in the years 1990–2016. Studia Miejskie, 33, 9–38.


Mirosław Wójtowicz


Sławomir Kurek



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