“Lead a Good life”. The Reception of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato si’ in German Ecumenical Dialogue
Grzegorz Chojnacki
The reception of Pope’s Francis’ encyclical Laudato si’ in German ecumenical dialogue indicates the great interest of the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church in Germany in environmental issues. The two most important bodies that represent these Churches, i.e. Deutsche Bischofskonferenz (DBK) and Evangelische Kirche Deutschland (EKD), see the importance of the Pope’s document published in 2015 when major conferences and summits being important for environmental and climate protection took place with the participation of the highest representatives of different states and international organisations. This document calls for consideration of the natural environment of men taking into account integral ecology in the light of which the creation of man and animate and inanimate world by God in accordance with His eternal plan means a gradation of the relationships of individual creatures to Him. This gradation does not legitimise any degradation or tyrannisation of the natural environment by man. This gradation also raises the desideratum saying that in this time of concern for the preservation of Earth as our common home there is no room for extreme biocentrism which may lead to the loss of human ecology
encyclical, integral ecology, ecumenical dialogue, social and ecological market economyReferences
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Grzegorz ChojnackiStatistics
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