Concern for the dying and vegetative patients in German ecumenical dialogue
Grzegorz Chojnacki
Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Wydział Teologiczny
In German ecumenical dialogue, a lot of attention is being given to bioethical issues, especially when the German state introduces new regulations resulting from the political, social, cultural and economic transformations. An example of this is the document of the Catholic and the Evangelical Churches “Christian Patient Protection” (2010) that, thanks to the substantive value, is an aid in clarifying the rights and, at the same time, the responsibilities of a patient at the last stage of life which is the dying. An integral part of the document in question is an attached form that facilitates patient’s practical determination of medical procedure intended by him / her which is in line with the applicable statutory law and moral standards. A particular challenge for the assessment of medical procedures for a patient is sometimes occurring persistent vegetative state. In this case, the two Churches agreed in this document the differences in their respective positions with regard to specific medical procedures.
ecumenical dialogue, patient’s dignity, dying, vegetative stateReferences
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