Cognitive, narrative and discursive aspects of words (for example, śmieci ‘garbage’ and the words etymologically related to the noun) and the standards of definition
Irena Szczepankowska
Profesor w Instytucie Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.Abstract
The subject of the article is the problem of describing the meaning of a word as a symbolic entity that is considered in the context of the requirements of modern lexicography. The analysis of the selected family words in terms of the cognitive, narrative and discursive aspects are intended to release the role of words as “node access” to the conceptual framework in accordance with the cognitive approach to semantics. The author also considers which model of the definition could best reflect the appropriate aspects of the word. The results of the contextual analysis included in the discursive frame enrich the cognitive dimension of the definition of the linguistic category. They reveal the existential experience of people, their perception and evaluation, that is, different domains interact in the conceptualization, which lies not so much in a single word, but in its discursive relationships with others
meaning of a word, cognitive aspect, discursive contextReferences
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Irena SzczepankowskaStatistics
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