Chrzest i Eucharystia w dialogach katolicko-luterańskim i katolicko-reformowanym

Piotr Kopiec

Wydział Teologii, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski


Topography of interconfessional theological relations contains of tens doctrinal dialogues conducted on the world levels and of numerous local dialogues. Due to the number of believers of the represented churches as well as theological importance for other dialogues, a special significance is given to the Catholic-Lutheran and Catholic-Reformed dialogues on the world level. Baptism and Eucharist are the most crucial issues of ecumenical relations and the most important areas of theological conversations. Article aims to present the main achievements of these dialogues regarding baptism and Eucharist and to distinct the main divergences that are still existed between churches in this area. It describes differences between both examples of dialogues. Furthermore, it explains why baptism is declared to be the ecumenical starting point whereas Eucharist is the ecumenical final point.

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Kopiec, P. (2017). Chrzest i Eucharystia w dialogach katolicko-luterańskim i katolicko-reformowanym. Studia Oecumenica, 17, 269–286.


Piotr Kopiec 

dr hab. teologii oraz dr socjologii; adiunkt w Katedrze Teologii Protestanckiej KUL; sekretarz periodyku „Roczniki Teologiczne” z. 7: „Teologia Ekumeniczna”, redagowanego w Instytucie Ekumenicznym KUL; interesuje się zagadnieniami związanymi z przemianami społecznymi oraz współczesną teologią protestancką.



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