Pope Benedict XVI and his dialogue with the Russian Orthodox
Jarosław Moskałyk
Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział TeologicznyAbstract
Main of motives for opening XVI Benedict to the dialogue with the Russian Orthodox faith there was desire for the development of current effects of the common accord. Bearing in mind scale of requirements in the process of bilateral relations but all at the same time the Pope deep supported the essential need of the shared dialogue his continuation. Since the departure from the made once decision the only correct would mean stopping the process of bringing closer, as well as sure moving back oneself into the dark past. In addition XVI Benedict didn't undergo the vision of uniting based on simplified means, peculiarly the practical nature with the Russian Orthodox faith which could undermine the authority of the Church. But with the personal posture and the businesslike commitment shaped the authentic space for building living and credible partner reports.
Pope Benedict XVI, Russian Orthodoxy, dialogue, rapprochement, exchangeReferences
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Jarosław MoskałykStatistics
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