Revision and codification of the canons in contemporary Orthodoxy
Tadeusz Kałużny
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, Wydział TeologicznyAbstract
The author of the present article aims at presenting essential aspects of the present debate on revision and codification of the canons in the Orthodox Church. The topic is explored in four parts. First, the author focuses on the problems with applying old canons in the Orthodox Church today. Next, he discusses some proposals and attempts at codifying the canons in contemporary Orthodoxy. For the third, he presents the outlooks of contemporary Orthodox theologians and canonists on the need and possibility of realization of this initiative. The last part comprises results of the author’s reflection and conclusions. From the research made, it follows that the proposal for revision and codification of the Sacred Canons is not viewed by Orthodox theologians and canonists in the same way: it has its proponents and opponents. In the end, the author states that it is the Pan-Orthodox Council that would be the proper forum for elaborating a common stand on this issue.
prawo kanoniczne, święte kanony, kodyfikacja, Kościół prawosławny, prawosławieReferences
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