Chrzest i Eucharystia w dialogach katolicko-anglikańskich i katolicko-metodystycznych
Przemysław Kantyka
Theology of baptism never contained such doctrinal controversies, which would have to be solved in the ecumenical dialogues between Catholics and Anglicans, as well as between Catholics and Methodists. This explains limited place given to these questions in the ecumenical talks and documents. Nevertheless, the elements of baptismal doctrine as present in the documents of dialogues allow to state the basic coherence of our respective baptismal theologies. This in consequence gives the basis for mutual recognition of the validity of baptism administrated in the three denominations in question. Besides considerable achievements of the ecumenical dialogues in the domain of the Eucharistic doctrine between Catholics and Anglicans, as well as between Catholics and Methodists, the present degree of consensus still does not allow to establish the full Eucharistic hospitality, not to speak about the full Church unity. The Roman Catholic-Anglican and Roman Catholic-Methodist ecumenical dialogues on Eucharist have brought a large degree of convergence and even agreement. However, there still remain unresolved questions, obstructing the restoration of full Eucharistic unity. Thus, further clarification are needed about the notion of Christ’s presence and the nature of the Eucharistic change.
Riferimenti bibliografici
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Przemysław KantykaStatistics
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