Stanisław Rabiej


The paper examines the relationship between Church involvement and social engagement in a comparative, cross-cultural perspective. The study reveals that Christian religious tradition and, more important, church attendance play an important role in fostering involvement in civil society in contemporary countries, even after controlling for the effects of other factors generally associated with fostering social activity among members of society. The overarching motivation that encourages Churches to engage in social live comes from the teaching of Jesus and from own tradition. However there are many broad reasons for becoming involved in social activity: to show interest in and respect for other people; to respect ourselves by using our abilities to mutual benefit; to build up a community’s ability to respond to its own needs by drawing on the strengths it already has. Faith and Order Paper The Church: Towards a Common Vision helps to understand the value of this kind of the engagement.


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Stanisław Rabiej 





Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 Studia Oecumenica

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