The values of capitalism in the Polish public discourse
Irena Szczepankowska
After 1989, capitalism – as an ideology (a political system) and a set of practices concentrated in the economic sphere – has strongly shaped interpersonal relationships, linguistic acts and the social picture of the world, including its fundamental values, of Poles in general. The author of this paper makes a preliminary investigation into axio-linguistic aspects in a broader context of the issue related to the reception of the capitalist discourse in the Polish cultural and linguistic space. The connection of this ideological system with values should be considered in regard to three dimensions: 1) in the domain of crucial ideas, such as: liberty, property, individualism, on which capitalism is founded; 2) in the field of positive or negative evaluation dependent on opposite perspectives of discourse participants and related to the different constituents of the formation system, i.e. employed / unemployed, flexible contract/ junk contract, tax/ tribute; 3) in relation to the values encompassed by the Polish tradition, such as: community, justice, equality, solidarity, which can serve as reference points for the anti-capitalist (critical) discourse.
capitalist values, Polish public discourse, axio-linguisticsReferences
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