Justice of God in the Prophetic Books according to the Document of Pontifical Biblical Commission: “The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture”
Andrzej Sebastian Jasiński OFM
Uniwersytet OpolskiAbstract
The focus of the article is on the aspect of the prophetic speech according to the document of Pontifical Biblical Commission: The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture: The Word that Comes from God and Speaks of God for the Salvation of the World. The document is divided into three parts: the first considers the inspiration of Sacred Scripture, its origin from God; the second the truth of Sacred Scripture; and the third examines the exegesis of passages that present particular problems, either historical, or ethical and social. The second part of document in the paragraph Prophetic Books (number 72) refers to the question of Justice of God.
The article analyzes several biblical passages (Lev 19:2; Deut 6:25; Isa 1:17; 5:7; 9:14-15; 26:2; 30:12-14.18; 45:21; Jer 2:19; 6:14.19; 7,13-15; 9:3; 12,11; 23:17; 27:14; 28:8; 29:8-9; Ezek 13:10; 18:5-18; Amos 5:24; 9:10; Joel 2:12-14; Zeph 3:5; Zach 10:2) in which prophets write about justice of God and justice of man. According to the prophets, Israel is judged for its lack of social justice. The poor and needy are oppressed, denied justice in the courts and forced into slavery. The whole of the book of Amos is about justice. Isaiah affirms: judgment is coming, because of the injustice and inhumanity of the great and the powerful towards the weak, poor and helpless. Jeremiah made plain just how highly God rates justice. Ezekiel, writing at around the same time, listing a catalogue of abuses with regard to the family, social justice, the temple cult, pagan worship, sexual matters, the legal system and economic justice. In all these areas, which cover the whole of social, economic and religious life, the people had violated the covenant and had forgotten the Lord. The prophets are agreed that God hates oppression. The YHWH will come and establish his justice on the earth.
Sacred Scripture, Inspiration, Prophetic Books, Book of EzekielReferences
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