Two signs (mopheth) of Ezekiel (Ezek 12:1-16; 24:24-27)
Andrzej Sebastian Jasiński OFM
Uniwersytet OpolskiAbstract
Ezekiel was a priest, but called to the office as a prophet at a time in the history of Israel in which they were partially in captivity. Ezekiel was already in Babylon, but he was preaching to those who were still back in Jerusalem, who felt their troubles were only temporary, who did not really perceive the inevitability of God’s impending judgment on their. The symbolic actions of the prophet was very important in his message. The Message of Ezekiel: The fall of Jerusalem and captivity, were necessary measures for God to explain that Judah the theocracy in its outward form must come to an end because of sin.
Ezekiel use in his book four times the term מוֹפֵת (“sign”; Ezek 12:6.11; 24:24.27). In Ezek 12:4-6 Ezekiel was to carry out his fugitive parable. His pantomime consists of wordless gestures, designed to attract attention and evoke questions. Ezekiel was serving as a sign to the house of Israel, a warning of the impending doom facing Jerusalem (Ezek 12:6). To the exiles, Ezekiel was a sign or an illustration or an object lesson (Ezek 12:11). What he had done in symbolic action will actually befall the inhabitants of Jerusalem they will be driven from their homeland (exile) and forced to settle in areas set apart for them by their conquerors (captivity).
The prophet was commanded to refrain from any lamentation or mourning after death of his wife (Ezek 24:15-27). It was another Ezekiel’s sign to the exiles (Ezek 24:24). When all events came to pass the news that Jerusalem had fallen and the temple had been destroyed they will know that the event had been decreed by the Lord. The sign of his wife’s death portends judgment and death, this sign will trumpet salvation and life (Ezek 24:27).
Book of Ezekiel, Ezekiel, sign, Ezekiel’s wife, prophet, Old TestamentReferences
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