Choice of Abraham

Andrzej Sebastian Jasiński OFM

Uniwersytet Opolski


Abraham’s choice was extremely important for the whole history of redemption described both in the Old and the New Testaments. Personal contact with God has brought the image of God being close to man. Abraham was considered to be God’s friend. He is perceived as such in all the three monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The patriarch is thus the most “ecumenical” character of all and is called the “father of faith”. The historicity of Abraham has been presently widely discussed. The question has been studied from the historical, archaeological, ethnological and religiological perspectives.
The covenant of God with Abraham was the first historical event that sealed human vertical relations. God’s covenant with Noah had not been historical but merely human hopes of intimate relation with the Highest. It was God Himself to evoke the hopes in man. The description of the Noahite covenant was a prelude to Yahweh covenant with Abraham and his descendants. God’s choice of Abraham has changed human history for ever. Since then Yahweh would repeat.
The tale of Isaac’s – Abraham’s son – binding (Gen 22:1-19) is one of the most thrilling texts in the whole Hebrew Bible After the chapter (Gen 21), Isaac, being born in fulfilment of God’ s promise, the reader goes to the text where God demands from Abraham to sacrifice the boy. The text of Gen 22:1-19 is a mixture of E and J sources therefore the motifs described there must have been known in various Israeli traditions and were perceived as specially important issues of religious teaching.


Abraham, Isaac, Genesis, Old Testament, covenant

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Cited by

Jasiński OFM, A. S. (2021). Choice of Abraham. Scriptura Sacra, (21), 25–41.


Andrzej Sebastian Jasiński OFM 



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