The Jesus Sutras – the First Christological Synthesis of the Far East

Dariusz Klejnowski-Różycki

Uniwersytet Opolski Wydział Teologiczny


The article presents research on historic "Nestorian documents" called the Jesus Sutras, which were created during the first mission of the Church of the East to China in the seventh century under the leadership of Alopen. These texts are a synthesis of Christology and elements of Christian theology relevant to the mission in China. They describe Christian dogmas using Taoist and Buddhist terminology, philosophy, anthropology, cosmology and symbolism. They testify to the development of the Church in China during the three centuries of the Tang Dynasty. The sutras of Jesus are the answer to the question: what and how did the Church talk about Jesus Christ for the first time to the Far East?

Most of the texts discussed were discovered in 1900 and are the subject of theologians and sinologists research mainly Japanese, Chinese and American. At the same time, these studies are completely unknown in the Polish theological space.

The article presents a full list of these documents, proposing the Polish name and a brief discussion of them as a contribution to further research on them. Between the sutras of Jesus there is a stone Stela of Xi'an with the engraved doctrinal and historical text that is also important from the point of view of the development of Christian doctrine in China.

The conclusions emphasize the importance of studying non-European theology encoded in other systems of culture and philosophy and some possibilities of transmitting Christian doctrine also in the symbolism of other religions (Taoism, Buddhism) with the preservation of the essence of things.


Jingjiao Documents, Nestorian Documents, Jesus Sutras, Alopen, Chinese Christianity

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Cited by

Klejnowski-Różycki, D. (2019). The Jesus Sutras – the First Christological Synthesis of the Far East. Studia Oecumenica, 19, 213–227.


Dariusz Klejnowski-Różycki

Ks. dr hab. Dariusz Klejnowski-Różycki, prof. UO – Kierownik Katedry Teologii Dogmatycznej Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, Rektor Śląskiej Szkoły Ikonograficznej, dogmatyk, ikonograf, sinolog. Studiował w Lublinie, Krakowie, Paryżu, Pekinie i Taipei. Zainteresowania teologiczne skupiają się na chrystologii, teologii chińskiej, azjatyckiej i teologii ikony.



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